Each issue of the All Texas Shop Hop™ Magazine features several patterns by talented designers. Bonus patterns are also available in the free downloads area of our website. Fill out the form and bookmark the page for easy access.
We do our best to get the bonus patterns posted shortly after the magazine goes on sale each year. Sometimes it takes a little extra time if corrections are needed during the proofing process. All patterns should be posted by the start of the Shop Hop.
By Jennifer Church, Tickle Me Pink Quilts
Jennifer Church is a lifelong creator. Learning to sew curtains as an 8 year old led to a desire to dabble in many different textile arts, finally landing on a love of quilting. Textiles, with all of their endless combinations of textures and colors have continued to be the primary theme of Jennifer’s creativity. Find more of Jennifer’s patterns at her website.
By Tiffany Hayes, Needle in a Hayes Stack
Tiffany is a quilter who moved to East Texas in 2022 (born and raised in Southern California) who got her quilting start a long, long time ago. Tiffany creates quilt patterns to work with fabrics in the newest fabric lines. Her designs can be found on her website, in fabric stores, catalogs and even in magazines. Tiffany creates the quilt patterns and her husband, Scott, creates the digital quilting designs to enhance the piecing. Scott then does the quilting on many of Tiffany’s quilts. They make a great team; she pieces and he quilts! Tiffany has traveled a taught many quilters from large conferences to quilt stores to cruise ships. She has created quilting tools such as: The Goddess Tool, The 60 Degree Triangle Tool and the 90 Degree Triangle Tool. She has even co-authored a book called Splice Magic. Tiffany loves to create and share all things quilting!
By Sharon Wasteney, Something Stitched
A perpetual teacher and learner, Sharon Wasteney shares her passion for creative quilting by dyeing fabric and vintage linens for use in quilts, teaching workshops and classes for guilds, and designing quilted projects for magazines and a line of patterns. Her latest designs were featured in March/April 2024 McCall’s Quilting and March/April 2024 Love of Quilting. Follow Sharon on Instagram @somethingstitched or visit her website for more creative inspiration.
By Petrina Cude, Sharman’s Sewing Center
Petrina is not “new” to the scene at Sharman’s East Texas Sewing Center, as she has been an active member of the Sharman’s staff serving customers daily for 32 years. She is now celebrating her second year of owning Sharman’s East Texas Sewing Center and is excited to be a designer for the second year of All Texas Shop Hop. Petrina brings to her new position a vast knowledge of the sewing industry, having worked for two sewing machine dealers before joining Sharman’s. In her early years in the industry, Petrina traveled as a trainer and educator for one of her current sewing machine vendors. She is thrilled to have the opportunity to take on the leadership role at Sharman’s and is thankful that she is able to continue working in the sewing industry in a community that she is proud to call home.
By Jen McWhirt, Stitched in Schertz
Hello, my name is Jennifer McWhirt and I am a transplant Texan. My husband and I moved to San Antonio in 1995 to start his career in the US Army. We were stationed around the world, but we managed to return to San Antonio and ultimately settled down in the area when he retired in 2019. My mom taught me to make my own clothes when I was young, and I continued sewing by making costumes for my two boys. I am a self-taught quilter, but in 2023 with both my boys grown and leaving the nest, my New Year’s resolution was to begin taking classes at my local quilt shop. While taking classes, my quilting journey evolved further when I was asked to piece together quilt tops for Stitched in Schertz by owners, Joy and John. This provided me with many opportunities to expand my comfort zone and develop new skills. For the 2024 All Texas Shop Hop, they asked me to create an original quilt pattern for their shop, which pushed me in a new direction that I never thought to explore. During the 2024 All Texas Shop Hop, I met so many fun and amazing quilters, and I am honored to share my quilt pattern with y’all in 2025.
By Terrie Welch, Quilters Journey
Terrie has enjoyed many different crafts most of her life. Her mother taught her how to sew, one Grandmother taught her how to embroider, and the other Grandmother how to crochet. Terrie taught herself to quilt over 35 years ago and has been longarm quilting for over 20 years. She is the owner of Quilters Journey in Salem, Missouri. Terrie is a Certified Instructor for Studio 180 Design. She loves Studio 180 Design tools and recommends them for just about any project. She teaches classes at Quilters Journey, for local Quilt Guilds, and would love to visit your area to teach. Terrie lives on a farm north of Salem, Missouri with her husband, Chris, and their dog, Sadie. If you visit Quilters Journey, Sadie will be happy to greet you! You may also see horses, a donkey, cows, and cats while you are there.
By Angela Hernandez, Cardinal Creek Quilting
Thirteen years ago, Alex and Angela met while serving in the Army in Honolulu, Hawaii. Alex was just off the plane from Iraq when he took a cab to Tripler Hospital to meet Angela who was stationed there in the Nurse Corp. Ten months later they got married. Together they have 7 children (mine, his and ours) and two grandchildren. Angela has been a nurse since 2003. She graduated from the University of Missouri in May of 2016 with a Doctor of Nurse Practice (Family Nurse Practitioner). She enjoys working in healthcare, but her passion lies in anything creative. Cardinal Creek Quilting was born out of an idea that started 2 years ago. Angela was fond of quilting, but had not actually made a quilt! She bought her first 3-yard quilt book to make a quilt for her vintage RV, and the rest is history.
By Cescily Abbot, Sew Special San Antonio
I was born and raised in a small town in northeast Texas. After graduating from Texas A&M University, I relocated to the Houston area working in the environmental service industry. After the birth of my first child, I decided to devote my attention to my family full time. After my second child was born, my husband and I made the decision to homeschool our children. It was through my homeschool connections that I met the friend that sparked my interest in quilting. It was under her guidance I gained experience with many different quilting techniques. My knowledge has increased through the years. I have always enjoyed playing with existing designs to create something fun that works for me. I love working with fabric! I started working at Sew Special Quilts in Katy after my youngest child graduated. The best part of my job is being able to help others with their quilting journey.
By Valerie Zelasko, Loretta’s Stitch N Stuff
My name is Valerie Zelasko and I am an avid quilter and quilt designer. I have a Master’s Degree in Education, and I currently use my degree to teach new techniques. I love color and designing quilts. More importantly I love helping quilters develop their skills and make choices for future quilts.
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